guess what?
pw is officially going to kiss my ass and die because it's finally OVER!!!
muahahahaha. :D
i almost laughed my ass off when i stepped into the registration room.MY GOODNESS.the name tag is how huge lah? think it's about 15cm by 10 cm and it's freaking annoying how the side keeps coming out cos' it can't stick properly on the uniform.everyone just seems to be touching their left breast when they try to stick it back.HAHA.okay then there was this guy from this group who talks in a super duper funny way.we kept laughing non-stop cos it's like he kept placing his emphasis on the wrong words and he kept addressing us as LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.oh yes he talks to himself too.he's seriously damn weird.when he wanted to present his group video and the video didn't appear on the screen but it did play on the com then he was like please hold on.maybe i should go switch off the lights.when it still didn't appear on the screen he said but the com is playing it! i can see! then dunno why he plugged out some cable so there was this mosquito-ish sound and he said it wasn't him.the sound didn't come from him and he shrugged his shoulders.haha.and his group mate pronounced food haven as food heaven.funny people. (: at least i wasn't bored to death in the room. (: i swear i sounded like an aunty when it's my turn to present. ): i said something like recently most budget airlines advertisements have huge captions that say "travel at a low cost of 99 cents only!" the first thing that comes to consumers' mind will be "WAHH! SO CHEAP!! CONFIRM BLUFF PEOPLE!" and before i realised that confirm bluff people is singlish, it was too late.i couldn't think of a proper way of phrasing that cos i was too nervous and i didn't have the time to think.haha.christy and lalee were just laughing at my aunty-ness.oh embarrassing. ): but i guess the whole presentation went on smoothly. (:
after pw, i went YMCA to look for cheryl and boon.helped out with some admin work.we had to send invitation cards to people so we've to slot the cards into envelopes, look for their names and paste them on the envelopes and seal them blah blah was hard work man but quite fun. (: and yes the clumsy cheryl left her wallet on the bus and thank God some kind soul picked it up and managed to contact her so we went all the way down to choa chu kang to meet the lady.couldn't go for oneteeteners' chalet cos of that.anyway we were thinking why didn't the lady steal her wallet or something and we finally understood why when we saw her.she was carrying a GUCCI bag.HAHA! so cheryl's mango wallet is confirm too cheapo for her and thus, it is very obvious why she didn't even bother to want to steal it.heh. (: went lot 1 for dinner with the two after that.talked and laughed our hearts out. :D
to lalee, panty, christy and petrina: you people have been the best pw group mates ever! (: it was great working with all of you and i love you girls LOADS and LOADS! :D cheers! our nightmare is finally over! heh. ((:
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